
Showing posts from October, 2019

Loyal manservant inherits $24m estate from master after 30-year service

At a will reading, every relative of the deceased present expects the lawyer to mention their name when the property is being distributed. For the family of Lord Glenconner it came as a surprise when the lawyer allocated all his estates to his black manservant Kent Adonai. Colin Tennant became 3rd Baron Glenconner when his father passed on in 1983, his wife Lady Anne Glenconner was the Lady-In-Waiting for Princess Margaret. In a recent article by the  Daily Mail , Lady Anne recounts how her devastated family was when after her husband’s passing in 2010, the family found out he had willed his entire estate to his manservant. Known for having an eye for the exotic, Colin bought and transformed Mustique in 1958 for £45,000 and with his love for real estate he reinvented the place into a getaway island for the famous. He set his eyes on St Lucia and invested in an undeveloped 480-acre estate. After he spontaneously bought an exotic elephant from a Dublin Zoo to St Lucia. Colin