
Showing posts with the label relationship


If you ask me , I would say that a husband is any man who is married to a woman(according to my religious beliefs). Growing up as a boy, marriage is something you don't think about; but as age catches upon you, and you experience the feeling called love, the boy in you gives way for the man and marriage becomes an important part of your thinking. Unlike women, men would want to marry because they want to impart their ideal selves to their children, influence and receive support from partners and basically, satisfy the sexual desire or need. However, becoming a husband doesn't happen with a big bang; one needs to go through several challenging phases to become 'mature' and ready for the life long 'course' called marriage. Age and experience may be an important indicator to any man when they want to marry,but it doesn't guarantee a successful marriage. For those of you out there who have plans of becoming husbands sooner or later, you ca


Number 1. SEX: For many, sex is the main reason for marrying; to avoid the temptation of falling into sexual misconduct, they would hurriedly marry. Others too will marry to prevent unexpected pregnancy during their courtship. I imagined how promiscuous i would become if i did not think of marriage or decide to marry in the shortest possible time. One foolish reason I married was to prevent any sexual misconduct, an unexpected pregnancy, and to enjoy sexual pleasure without fear or remorse. Number 2. HEAVEN: Have you wondered how many have died in their sins? Good people have died in their sins because of one little addiction they could not overcome. In order to overcome that sin that affects almost every single person, i had to marry. For me, marriage was my key to salvation and heaven. As a devoted Christian or religious person, If you have a sexual sin problem and you do not know how to solve it, your best bet would be to marry; since marriage seems to be the safe have